Saturday, January 28, 2012

Movie Promotion Time: ExistenZ

ExistenZ is pretty sweet. A quote from wikipedia "As in Videodrome, Cronenberg gives his psychological statement about how humans react and interact with the technologies that surround them. In this case, the world of video games."

The beginning of the plot: In the near-future, organic virtual reality game consoles known as "game pods" have replaced electronic ones. The pods are attached to "bio-ports", outlets inserted at players' spines, through umbilical cords. Two game companies, Antenna Research and Cortical Systematics, compete against each other. In addition, a group of "realists" fights both companies to prevent the "deforming" of reality.

Plot twist after plot twist.

One of the last lines from the movie: "Tell me the truth, are we still in the game?"

My mind = blown.